The miracle of such staggering aptitude, how your teeth rattle with every falling bomb. I'm frightened said the former child, clutching her blanket close to her chest let everything slip to the floor collecting in piles as finger nails split open dirt dirt dirt collect the bones from the grave she'll wear it as a bouquet in her hair oh calling all the dreary people let's just stitch and bitch a quilt made of all the fucks we never gave, I just want to watch your skull come apart into pieces blasts of human shrapnel cutting us to ribbons. Are you in love with the sick princess? I'm sorry that Vicodin doesn't come in XXL, a pity to see you crush so much dust and sniff it all up sugary sweet down the back of her throat and I want some girl, I really want some just open your mouth up and puke the nasal drip down my throat and we'll go whistling through the graveyard tossing sterile syringes to the blood thirsty crowd. We like it! We love it! We want more of it!
...I'm just going to mope in my fucking room...